Sunday, February 1, 2009
I always wonder about the world. People, Places, who thought up how everything works, and why we never question it.
And in this thinking I come to realize sometimes that maybe the things we put so much stock in really don't mean all that much.

Getting exactly what we want, a part in a play, that cute person across the room's attention, anything we desire is so insignificant in the large scale of things.

While I whine about not getting the part I want, or not being able to see Leigh Ann this weekend, people are starving, dying, rejoicing, losing loved ones, and getting married. People are going through the most important moments of their lives while I walk to class
and complain about the weather.

And yet, it still kills me when I consider the people in my life. And how sometimes we're the ones experiencing important moments. While others just walk to class.

I think of what they mean to me, and what I mean to them.

It isn't always an equal balance.

But sometimes, that's okay. It's okay because I have my small few, my important moments, the few important people that are all I want. Four people I would trust with my life. But still, I will always want
. I will always, though happy with the ones I have, wish for that fifth person to come around, the prove their worth, to gain my inexplicable and unadulterated trust.
Because I'm a human being, and I want.
And although that want will never be fully satisfied, the gaps are filled. They are few and far between. Filled by love. My love of God, of what I do, of those people, of my life, of small things that mean so much. flowers.